Hey Everyone! One thing I always want to do is to be honest with you. With that said, the past few weeks and even months have been rough. I have gone from being so excited about this project to people being really negative about it and almost giving up on it. But I LOVE these characters and I know you will as well.
The feedback from the Alpha team was AMAZING!! They were so helpful! I have taken all of their feedback and this week and weekend I plan to finish a pretty decent re-write of a few chapters; most if which is done but needs a little fine tuning.
Next comes the editing part. I have my trusty red pens and so many highlighters/sticky notes nearby that it looks like an office depot threw up on my desk. Anyways, my goal is to have this first book in the hands of my Beta team by the end of April. Was this my original timeline? No, it wasn't. Am I ok with that? Yes! I think the re-write of the prologue and the first few chapters really create a better flow overall and ultimately a better story.
Keep an eye on my Instagram page for the Betas Wanted Post!!
Lastly, I know I mentioned the cover and I have not post about it yet. I'm waiting until the Beta's are picked, feedback is done, and edits are complete before that baby is shown. You will not believe this cover ya'll! She did an amazing job!!
Talk soon!
- M